Unity Tutorial 03

Hi guys 
In this week's unity tutorial we had to create a simple clock and programe it to display the current time.I learned about different layouts to use and where to find them in the dropdown.I also learnt how to make 3D objects such as the cylinder and how to flatten it.I learned about the coding we had to use to for the clock so that we could show the current time and the coding to make the clock's arms rotate based on the current time.I found this part difficult and didn't quite like doing the coding when showing the current time or for rotating the arms on the clock.I really enjoyed the creating part of this tutorial such as making the cylinder and the hour indicators as well the arms of the clock.I prefer the creating part more when doing some of these tutorial more than than the coding part.Overall i found this unity tutorial fun and it helped me learn new things such as making 3D objects and different coding that had to be used for different things to happen i also found this unity tutorial difficult in ways such as the coding but it did help me learn which i am happy about.  

