Unity Tutorial 06

Hey guys 

So today i did the unity tutorial where I learned some new interesting things such as adding text where i could change the font and colour when adding text to the cursor like a take the gem. I also learned how to add a raw image to the cursor where i changed the shape and size of the raw image to fit the cursor.I did script writing for collecting the gem and made and action key so that when collecting the gem you press p.I then went back into the script where i put coding so that when the player presses p to collect the gem it will be collected and it will work with sound I then went back to the game where i attached it all together.After learning about text and collecting the gem i then moved on to adding more things to the game such as a fence i made the fence a suitable size and then put a box collider around the fence so that the player won't be able to walk through it. I then added a weapon to the game such as on axe where i changed the size and added a cube to it so that we can rotate the axe in a swinging direction in the game.I then added animation to the axe where i pressed record and changed the rotation,position and frame so that when i pressed play the axe repeatedly kept swinging back and forth with more motion.I then added a component which was animation and changed the options in the inspector  so then when i pressed play it wouldn't keep swinging back and forth. After, I did something similar to the gem i added some new audio and then when to the script and did some coding.i made an action key as well so when the axe swings on command it will make the noise and then after coding i attached it all together.I really enjoyed this unity tutorial and learning new things for when i make my game.  
