Unity Tutorial 02

In this Unity tutorial i learned about coding and how to use VR.I learned how to program a car moving side-to-side on a floating road, trying to avoid obstacles in the way. I learned C# scripts and some simple programming.i found some of the coding difficult because I'm not that good at it but I got through it. I then learned how to change the vehicle’s position allowing it to move forward and then components to objects, allowing them to collide with one another. I enjoyed the VR part of this unity tutorial. It was fun and I liked downloading and importing assets such as the car, the jumper cables, and the car batteries. It was also fun creating objects to pick up and move using VR or simulated VR controllers. I much prefer the way we are doing things on unity this time compared to the youtube videos although i liked them too i prefer the way we are doing it now it is more fun. I look forward to learning more and having more fun. I really enjoyed this week's unity tutorial and can't wait for next week to learn more.

Thanks for listening 
Talk to you then 

