
Hey guys 

So today I worked on my treasure creek on my Adventure Island. I only got a bit of it done and still have to add more things to it but overall I found it fun to make. One thing that wasn't working right was that my Island was way too big so i had to make it smaller I was finding it hard to fill the space and it just seemed to be full of trees so i made my terrain smaller which looks much better. I plan on making all my treasure collective and for it to rotate for my next step and then add more to my island. I enjoyed unity this week and can't wait to get my game finished.

Screenshot from unity


  1. Hi ellie

    Great job! Your game is looking amazing the layout looks kind of like Mario Kart's beach island levels. Is it difficult to make ? I found mine difficult and it's a lot more basic compared to yours :o

    Great job, cant wait to see the game in full

  2. Hi Ellie,

    Great development on your game! Your terrain looks very interesting and diverse which really stands out to me. I also like how you made the map smaller as it gives you a chance to really fine tune your terrain and add elements more easily and logically throughout the map.

    Will there still be several levels/maps to your game? Or will it just be one island? From your previous blog on your game you mentioned you wanted to do levels, but here you only talk about the existing island, and I was curious as to if you decided to remove the levels feature.

    I would suggest you focus moreso on the coding and scripting of your game rather than the visuals for now- while your game looks diverse and very good in the looks department, without the main mechanics like a game over screen, enemies or advancing to the next level you can't really call it a playable game. There are lots of tutorials and assets available online to help you code! I've been following Jimmy Vegas tutorials to help me.

    All the best,

  3. Well a good day to you Ellie!!

    Well I am very impressed with how much you have gotten made with your game world and concept and I must say that my hat goes off to you for this as it is really well done.

    If I could ask one thing that I would ask about this it would be a 2 parter 1. Will there be a distinct graphic style for your game like a cartoon or more realistic and 2. How much did you have to reduce your island to because I am interested if you wanted to make it into a larger version with a helping hand from a few others what was taken out.

    I don’t think you need to have anything else added to this as you have made some great progress in your game (also p.s you are very welcome with some of the problems that you have faced with this Unity engine as I didn’t want ya to fall behind or get too flustered or frustrated because of it)

    All in all I am very impressed and I look forward to seeing how your final version turns out because no matter what it will be great.


  4. Hey Ellie,

    Your game looks great so far! It looks like you've made some great progress so you should be really proud with what you've done so far. While reading your blogs I wondered will you be adding in any characters soon? And if so, what type? You could possibly add in a HP bar for your player to see what level of health they're on after running into a creature in the game.

    Coding is definitely the hardest part about Unity but once you get that out of the way you'll be flying. CAn't wait to see the end product. Best of luck!



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