Reading 4

After all the research I did, I read back over it and I picked out what subtopics I was going to use that best describes my main heading which is What is a game?. I also did more research to see if i missed anything which i don't think i did. I have a lot of research done on my heading along with links and other stuff which has been helpful. My plan is to steal research just in case I have missed something which I don't think I have and then focus more on the topics I picked and elaborate more on them. I also plan on writing a quick  draft outlining where everything will go such as the topics I have picked. I also did a questionnaire on family and friends to see what they think a game is which was interesting and i am going to try see how i can put that into my heading. I'm excited about how this whole thing will turn out because just by doing that little bit of research on my heading has helped a lot to understand more about what a game really is.

Thanks guys for listening.Hope you enjoyed


