For this week i enjoyed the unity tutorials.I started off with the first unity tutorial where i learned how to spawn the animals on a timer so that they appear every few seconds. Next I added colliders to all of our prefabs so when launching a projectile into an animal it will destroy it and Finally i displayed a “Game Over” message if any animals made it past the player. I didn't really enjoy this tutorial but i learned new things which is good.I learned how make a dog be destroyed if it collides with a ball If the ball hits the ground, a “Game Over” debug message is displayed and how to make the dogs and balls be removed from the scene when they leave the screen.I liked learning more new things such as how to use the Unity platform to develop VR experiences,how to enable VR in the Unity Editor using Oculus Integration tools, VRTK, and other resources.i also learned about locomotion and ergonomic considerations for VR. where i could recognize common triggers of discomfort and how to avoid or minimize their effects.and also to implement a teleport system within the escapei
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