Unity Tutorial 06

So for this week's unity tutorials I learned loads of new things and had some fun. The first tutorial did was program a fast-paced endless side-scrolling runner game where the player has to time jumps over oncoming obstacles to avoid crashing. I learned how to add music and sound effects, i also learned how to create dynamic endless repeating backgrounds,. Finally, i learned to incorporate particle effects like splatters and explosions, which was really satisfying.The next tutorial starting by creating a new project and importing the starter files. Next i  choose a nice background and a character for the player to control, and allow that character to jump with a tap of the spacebar.i also choose an obstacle for the player, and created a spawn manager that throws them in the player’s path at timed intervals. The outcome of the next tutorial was that  background moves flawlessly at the same time as the obstacles, and the obstacles will despawn when they exit game boundaries. Colliding with an obstacle will also trigger a game over message in the console log, halting the background and the spawn manager. For the next one I gave it animations for running, jumping, and even death and also tweaked the speed of these animations, timing them so they look perfect in the game environment. For the last tutorial i learned about Matt Franklin from Oculus who shared the  best practices for hand presence and interaction in VR. overall i liked everything and really enjoyed this week's tutorials 

